Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How Will Children Learn, Without the Teacher-Student Dichotomy?

In an Equal Money System, the education system will be an entirely different concept than it is in a profit-based system where money is valued over life. Education will no longer teach us how to “serve the system, work for the elite, lie and cheat” (BP). It will instead be an equality-based education which will teach us to take self-responsibility, consider the whole and value all Life. When the end-goal of an education is to make money to survive in the world, as it currently is, then the rules you are taught are the rules of a system of inequality, competition and survival of the fittest- the effects of which, those who are lucky enough to get an education, will usually never have to experience or consider.

In an Equal Money System, the correction of this kind of separation, negligence and apathy will be part of the curriculum as the end-goal of an equality-based education will be to produce considerate and decent human beings who care about their fellow man and the plant and animal kingdoms. This consideration, decency and care will take place within the understanding that doing and being such not only benefits oneself and the entire planet, but also future generations to come. This type of consideration, respect and understanding cannot be imparted upon individuals as knowledge and information being passed along from one being to another as within the current teacher-student dichotomy. You cannot simply be told to be empathetic, you can’t memorize respect for all life and you cannot regurgitate equality and oneness as stagnant concepts. These are concepts which require living application and understanding through self-will, self-application and self-direction over time.

In an equal education system, teacher and student will be equals, teaching and learning from each other as a living real-time education. The teacher will stand as the living example, from a starting point of equality and oneness and within self-expression, to assist and support the student within their own self-expression, to become a self-responsible being that cares. The teacher will live as an example of one that does unto others only what he would want done unto him, and who loves his neighbor as himself because he understands what it is to be a whole being within the bigger whole which he is one with and equal to.

Within all topics covered throughout one’s education, the responsibility to learn will come from self. The student will be taught self-responsibility through his own living application, and will therefore become an example to him/herself of the self-expansion and self-expression which can only come from taking complete self-responsibility, self-mastery and self-direction.

Students will not be ‘forced’ to learn within a rewards-punishment principle, nor will they be taught to compete with their peers as within our current system of the ‘survival of the fittest’. Students will learn self-support, and through self-support will understand what it means to assist and support others as self. Students will see the benefits and common sense in the advancement of the group, as a group of self-willed equals, wherein evolution is an act of direction within the principle of doing what’s best for all. The accumulative effect of this action will lead to a world of peace and security and a future of certainty and advancement, and this is the environment students will create, walk into and develop within during and throughout their education.

The teacher will not be held as superior and the judge of the student’s progress, nor will he or she be the one to determine whether or not the student has actually learned. The student will prove to him/herself whether or not he or she has become a living statement of the material through his or her actions words and deeds, consistently over time, at the same time proving him/herself to be a self-honest and trustworthy individual that cares. The student will, from the beginning of his and her education, learn how to explore self-expression within oneness and equality, so that his peers may do the same, and so that as he grows he understands how to consider himself within the context of the whole.

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